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Insurance strategies & policy benefits

Insider tips, expert guides, and valuable insights to master your insurance policy and coverage, boost your bottom line, and unlock the secrets to cost-efficient premiums and value-for-money coverage.

HIV life cover - Protect your family

Life cover offers you and your family a crucial financial safety net.

In exchange for paying a monthly premium, your insurer will pay out a set amount to your beneficiaries. This will help them cover the cost of living and pay off major debts as wel...
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Credit life insurance -  What you need to know

Most South Africans have some form of debt whether this is in the form of a home...
What does funeral insurance cover

Funeral cover is one of South Africa’s most popular insurance products – and for...
Who needs life cover?

If you have dependents, you should have some form of life cover in place to ensu...
Before you consider insurance fraud, consider the consequence

Fraud is a heavy word and, believe it when we say, it comes with a heavy sentenc...
Life Insurance – are your beneficiaries guaranteed a pay out

I don’t know about you, but I know that every time a telesales agent calls to tr...