Did you know that home insurance covered these 5 items

home insurance covers these 5 items
Did you know that home insurance covers these 5 items?

Insurance always seems like one of those monthly payments that we wish we didn’t have to pay, however, it’s usually because we don’t see the value in it until it’s really needed.

Most of us are only aware of the basics that are covered with our policies and haven’t stopped to wonder what else is included with home insurance cover.

We all have such busy lives, so much so that we can barely find the time to read the articles and books that we’d love to be reading. That is why there is absolutely no rhyme or reason why anyone would feel the need to sit down with the lamplight on and page through our insurance policies. Don’t kid yourself, or us, we know it’s true. Unless of course something went missing, got damaged, or got stolen, and only then you might pull out the 100-page dossier and scrutinize each section to find out if there’s a chance you can put in a claim!

Upon doing some reading you might find a few sections of cover that you never knew you were, in fact, covered for. They’ll be as rewarding as they are surprising, and sharing this kind of information might be useful in the future for those that have insurance claims of the sort.

Homeowner liability

Did you know that if anyone happens to hurt themselves whilst on your property, the owner of the property can be held liable for the costs of the damages? That being the medical bills and whatever legal fees might come into play with the claim. So, if your dog doesn’t like the look of your guest and decides to sink his teeth into his ankle on the way in through the front door, or your plumber trips over a broken stair and knocks all his teeth out, you will have cover to put in a third-party claim.

Pet injury

When Bruno, your dog, or Garfield, your cat, go running into the street as the neighbour is reversing out of the driveway and get hit by the car or hurt in any way, most home insurance policies cover the vet bills for the injury. This is crazy right?
Who would have thought that my pets are protected against injury, well the truth is that general sterilizations and illnesses which are a lot more common are still for your own account. But, should a tragic incident lead your pet to be hurt in any way, perhaps even a fight with another neighbourhood pet, then you can rest assured that your vet bill is covered!

Spoiled food

We live in a country where power outages are common and load shedding is an expected norm from time to time. As painful as it is to endure, the food that we end up having to throw out hurts even more! It was as a result of people complaining about this financial inconvenience that insurance companies decided to add a category of cover to home insurance that covered spoiled food and other groceries. If you have any food that spoils as a result of a power outage, your insurer will pay you the amount you need to replace that food item.

Stolen money

This is an important one, and definitely, a form of cover everyone would hope to have in their home insurance. The problem is that you typically have to specify the amount of cash that you want to be covered in your home insurance and for obvious reasons. We can’t have old Johnny with half a wardrobe and a beat-up car claiming that he had R500,000 under his mattress.

Another item that is covered is your credit card. Title deeds, guarantee cheques, and other financially vital items. Before you simply stop all your cards and reverse any transactions, check your policy out to see if you’re covered.

Guests’ belongings

We all have people over to visit from time to time. Whether it be for a weekend or simply for dinner. With household contents insurance, your guest’s possessions are automatically covered in the event of damage, loss, or theft. It all depends on the value of the items and the amount of insurance cover that you have allocated towards this category in your policy. But the point is, it’s covered!

Next time you suffer a loss or damage of anything in and around the home, even outside the home, but on the property, take the time to peruse through that policy document and see if you are covered. We pay insurance premiums for a reason and it’s not always that easy to pay out large amounts of money to replace items that have been damaged or lost. Take advantage of a reliable home insurance policy and make use of the benefits that are there for you to use.

With daily life occurrences that are covered by your insurance, you’ll quickly start to see and experience the value in your premiums each month.

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