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Author GuardRisk. Screenshot of GuardRisk website.
[Accessed February 7, 2023]

About GuardRisk

Guardrisk is one of South Africa’s leading insurance providers who specialize in long-term life insurance cover.

They have years of knowledge in the insurance market, which they use to provide a service delivery that their clients appreciate.

Keeping you involved and updated

Guardrisk works through open communication with their clients, keeping them involved in their life, health, long-term life insurance, or funeral policy as well as with the updated industry that they belong to.

Become part of something bigger

You become part of a safeguarded family network, which brings security and beneficial value to their entire family. Guardrisk's purpose is based on its service delivery to its clients.

Long term life insurance you can count on

Guardrisk clients are their main priority, and providing you with life cover means they create a personal approach to customizing a solution that is in line with your specific needs. Value-added protection and a cost-saving outcome will be part of their exclusive offerings when you partner with Guardrisk.

GuardRisk Services

Guardrisk long-term life insurance provides clients in South Africa, with the opportunity to invest in the future and the future of their families.

Their cover is customized per client, as they understand no one cover applies to everyone.

Insurance that covers your debts when gone

Guardrisk policy ensures that your debts are covered in the event of your death, and your family doesn’t have to worry about the financial aspect of life when you are gone.

The benefits of their long-term life insurance cover include better value for their clients, as they always get more than what they put in. Their policy time periods are flexible and work in line with your needs.

Premium for Long term life insurance

Guardrisk premiums are calculated with your budget in mind, as well as the amount of cover you wish to receive. They offer a wide variety of resources to their clients, including funeral policies, long-term life insurance cover, and more.

Their service delivery is unmatched, with the assistance and guidance of a team of well-informed, knowledgeable, and experienced consultants, who are available for every client, as they need them.

GuardRisk – Long-term Care Insurance

  • Product Long-term Care Insurance
  • Your needs only
    Guard Risk will do a comprehensive assessment where they allow you to tell them what you need and what works for you. They will take your budget into consideration and personalize your a insurance portfolio.
  • They pay off your debt
    With the long term care cover your debts and loans are covered when you are unable to work or no longer here to pay it off leaving the loved ones, you are leaving behind, debt free.

Benefits of GuardRisk

  • They adjust to your needs - With their flexibility they allow you to add to your premium package or take away as you need to. They are able to assist you to plan for each stage of your life. 
  • They treat you like family - When you become a member at GuardRisk you also become part of their family group and they take care of family. They have staff ready to assist you anytime you need them and they are eager to help you to the best of their abilities and the most friendly assistance you will ever get. 
  • Great service at great prices - There is no one who can beat their affordable prices and the speed of their claim process. 

We guard you from life risks with long term insurance

Guardrisk is a licensed and experienced long-term life insurance provider, offering a holistic approach to the needs of South Africans.

Guardrisk realizes that clients in South Africa require protective cover for their significant effects, their family as well as their life.

Life insurance for individuals and businesses

They offer long-term life insurance which is different from other insurance companies. It covers individuals and businesses and that's only the tip of the iceberg. We possess a number of significant resources in our lives like our homes or businesses; however, the most important part of life is our family.

When you are no longer around

Envision abandoning them with the weight of your money-related obligations when you die or become seriously ill. When your family relies on your income to get by financially each month, how will they be able to overcome this obstacle, without planning ahead?

Leave them covered and safe 

Guardrisk has a long-term life insurance protection alternative that will deal with these circumstances and leave your family obligation-free. They tailor their products so that they become a solution to all your needs.

They are your defender against the hazard that can surprise your reality. Guardrisk offers online insurance quotes for all - so you can find out what it will cost you to get your family covered.

Guardrisk treats you with respect & professionalism

All their clients and potential clients are treated with the respect and professionalism they deserve. They offer innovative and fast processes to get your long-term life insurance covered fast.

There is no time too early or too late to insure your life, and the quicker they get your policy going, the lower your premiums will be, and the better it will be for your family.

Guardrisk use their expertise to benefit you

In the challenging market of today’s business world, you need to consider so many areas, and they take the stress out of having to deal with everything yourself. They work off their strengths as a recognized leader in the long-term life insurance market and use them to the benefit of their clients.

Get a transparent long term life insurance

Through honesty, and experience in their service delivery, they don’t hide behind small print or hidden details. They are openly transparent with their communication, to avoid any unnecessary surprises when your family depends on Guardrisk the most.

Be accountable for the future, take charge of your life, and take your long-term life insurance policy and make it work for you. Guardrisk has all you need to secure the financial future of your family for tomorrow.

man holding thumbs up

GuardRisk is a trusted & reliable provider of long-term care insurance

In our review, we found GuardRisk to be a company licensed to provide long-term care insurance products and services, and is regulated under the Financial Sector Conduct Authority.

✅ GuardRisk is a registered and licensed insurance provider in South Africa: FSP 75

Customer Reviews & Testimonials

No one can live without some debt, it was my biggest fear that if I should die what would happen to my family. Good cover in place now.

Lucas. A
— Pretoria —

The cover I have with Guardrisk will look after my loved ones in the future if something happens to me.

Johannes. L
— Johannesburg —

Guardrisk insurance was the only good thing after our father passed away, to help us keep our home and try to go on.

Melanie. D
— Johanneesburg —

GuardRisk Contact

Contact Number



Physical Address

  • 61 Katherine St, Sandown, Sandton Johannesburg Gauteng 2196 South Africa
  • Get Directions

Postal Address

  • PO Box 786 015, Sandton, 2146, South Africa

Opening Hours

  • not available