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  • Affordable insurance
  • Quick online quote
  • Easy online application

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Tenantlink homepage
Author Tenantlink. Screenshot of Tenantlink website.
[Accessed February 7, 2023]

About Tenantlink

Tenant Link is a self-service online platform, which allows clients to register and get a full tenant search service, as well as home insurance.

Providing a unique service to South Africans

They provide a unique service that combines the search for the right tenants, with a suitable track record and background check as well as the renter's insurance cover to keep landlords protected and home insurance.

They search through various platforms online for clients looking for a place to rent which makes it that much easier to find a suitable tenant. Tenantlink lists tenants by the rent they are willing to pay, age, family size, and other criteria that may be appealing to the landlord looking for tenants.

Free self-service online platform for all

Their search facility is free to use and all one needs to do is access their services online and follow the easy steps to find the right match. Clients can register on the Tenantlink webpage and use the service whenever they like. With the use of technology and innovation, they have created a user-friendly platform for all landlords to benefit from.

Tenantlink Home contents insurance services 

Tenantlink offers clients in South Africa valuable home contents insurance cover when they are renting as a tenant. They also specialize in assisting landlords in finding the right tenant for their flats, homes, or rental property.

Tenantlink Services

The Tenantlink website assists in searches and background checks when they sign someone to live as a tenant.

They also provide insurance cover, to keep them protected should anything go wrong with the rental agreement.

Insurance for unforeseen circumstances

At times, tenants can try to avoid paying rent, destroy and damage property, and can be difficult to evict because of the legal system. These are all areas that Tenantlink can facilitate financially, in terms of legal fees, payment of lost rent, and repairs to damages on the property.

They are the rental and tenant specialist with the added twist of being insurance advisors.

Home contents insurance with Tenantlink

Tenantlink assists renters in getting home contents insurance, swiftly and efficiently. They cover the renting parties for their home contents and valuables should there be a fire or burglary, weather damages, burst pipes, or anything else that may cause their items of value to be damaged.

They also cover the landlord, in cases where the renting party has damaged the house or flat in regards to building damages. In this way, Tenantlink can protect members as a landlord and as a renter.

They have renters and home contents insurance options in place that are reasonably affordable and allow members to claim for all areas of their home and home contents.

Tenantlink – Home Content Insurance

  • Product Home Contents Insurance

Benefits of Tenantlink

  • Rental Insurance
  • Property owner rental income protection

Tenantlink has the cover you've been searching for

Renting one’s home out to the public can be a money-making advantage to many people who have the property to spare.

Keeping the property maintained and in working order for tenants can also be an ongoing job. However, sometimes, some renters take advantage of the property not being theirs and create havoc on the property.

This can come with damages, along with not paying rent when they are supposed to. This can be a negative downward spiral, as trying to evict the renters could be a stressful situation.

Financial support for legal proceedings

Tenantlink will assist members with these proceedings where they can. Landlords can claim legal fees when they need to evict their renters from their premises. This is a clause stipulated in the cover option.

By completing the Tenantlink online interest form included on their website, one can get cover for any damages and legal proceedings that they may have to undertake with renters who disrespect their property. One can also get an online home insurance quote via the website.

Experienced consultants available to help

The Tenantlink consultants are experienced in the renter's and landlord's insurance policies and are ready to assist members with all the legal inquiries they have to formulate a cover that will keep them safe and covered in any situation.

For landlords or renters, one can get covered for what they own with Tenantlink, as they have a home contents insurance policy in South Africa for every situation.

Customer Reviews & Testimonials

Affordable home insurance cover and great service from Tenantlink.

Pumeza Q.
— Durban —

I am so happy to be covered as a landlord with Tenantlink. Great customer service and supportive agents.

Katherine W.
— Durban —

An innovative company that offers great home contents insurance for landlords and tenants.

Chevonne Z.
— Johannesburg —

Tenantlink Contact

Contact Number



  • not available

Physical Address

  • 4 Gaydon Rd, Hatton Estate Pinetown Kwazulu Natal 3610 South Africa
  • Get Directions

Opening Hours

  • not available